Activities near the hotel

Senegal is full of of activities, and Les Manguiers de Guéréo is the ideal starting point. Nearby, take advantage of land of padel, of golf by Saly, from the plage with jetski and kitesurfing, or releases by peach at sea. For thrills,  go tree climbing or a first flight in autogyro.

Our activities near the hotel

Jet ski

Embark on a jet ski adventure and glide across the ocean waves.


Take advantage of a spot known for its favorable winds for a kite surfing session on the lagoon.

Sea fishing

Go on a sea fishing trip and discover the local fish.

(20 min)

A golf fan? Work on your swing on one of the most beautiful golf courses in Senegal.

(20 min)

Enjoy a unique tree-climbing experience among the majestic baobabs.


Compete against your loved ones in a game of paddle tennis under the Senegalese sun.

Beach and ocean

Head to the beach for a day of relaxation or nautical activities.

Baptism in

Enjoy a first flight in an gyrocopter and fly over spectacular landscapes.


Visits, excursions and tours in Senegal

Embarquez pour une aventure inoubliable à travers le Sénégal authentique avec nos visites guidées. Explorez des paysages époustouflants, des villages traditionnels et des sites historiques, et immergez-vous dans la culture sénégalaise.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure through authentic Senegal with our guided tours. Explore breathtaking landscapes, traditional villages, and historic sites, and immerse yourself in Senegalese culture.

our guided tours